
AMA House of Delegates Action Summarized

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The AMA House of Delegates voted on a number of issues during its recent annual meeting. Among the action taken: 

  • There was agreement on a policy that supports adding naloxone to airline medical kits
  • It voiced its opposition to states that seek to ban patients from the Medicaid and cut off access to services if premium payments are missed or late or work requirements are unfulfilled. “The AMA believes that Medicaid policies should support continuity of care, and Medicaid patients should be permitted to reapply immediately for redetermination if coverage is terminated,” noted AMA in a news release. 

You can read more here

AMA passes new policies on naloxone, Medicaid, augmented intelligence. [Published online June 14, 2018]. Ocular Surgery News.  https://www.healio.com/family-medicine/practice-management/news/online/%7B3c3dea33-2c91-4881-805a-8bbc59f7a823%7D/ama-passes-new-policies-on-naloxone-medicaid-augmented-intelligence  

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